Code for SA Blog
What NGOs can learn from start-ups about failure
“Failing forward.” Heard of it? It’s baked into the entrepreneurship culture. If you’re an entrepreneur, you’ll be invited to “Fail Fests”, “Fail Confs”, and “Failure Panels”. Speaking to fellow entrepreneurs, you’ll quickly discover how deeply crappy being an entrepreneur really is. Basically, you lurch from one failure to the next, as fast as you can, until you succeed. But if you want a short cut, here are some failure-lessons to learn from in the meantime – and NGOs should be the first organisations to listen up.
The School of Data's Summer Camp - more awesome than the Avengers
The School of Data’s Summer Camp in Potsdam that saw Fellows from countries as far as Peru, Indonesia, Nigeria and South Africa come together (for the first time in the history of the programme) to share and learn from each other before embarking on a journey to grow open data initiatives in their countries.
Government commits to global open data movement
Over 90 of South Africa’s open data experts from government, civic organisations and private enterprise met at the #OpenDataNow Unconference in Cape Town last week to take the first steps in creating an open data society.
Code4SA Maps API
Code4SAs Maps API makes it really easy to get South African political maps as GeoJSON and TopoJSON formats, perfect for popping straight into a browser.
Working better, together
PoplusCon in Santiago, Chile, was a recent push to try and increase collaboration between the different civic-coding organizations around the world.