Code for SA Blog
How we built
Before we could build Open Gazettes South Africa, we needed to figure out what additional value we could provide by putting the resource together. By building a series of programs used to source, scrape and index government gazettes, we now have a growing collection of over 12,000 free and searchable publications.
18 Months in - some reflections
It's been 18 months since I joined Code for South Africa which is a perfect time to look back and do some reflecting.
Pocket Reporter: A News Editor in your Pocket
Meet Pocket Reporter, a new Android app for journalists, activists and anyone interested in storytelling that guides you through the newsgathering process.
Read all about it, use Open Gazettes
Open Gazettes changes the way journalists use government gazettes to do stories, by allowing users to search and track important public information.
Get access to your government gazette online - for free
A new website,, is making official government gazettes available online and searchable, so you no longer have to sift through or download heaps of publications to source important, public information.